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Beware the know-it-alls

T he worse part of the advertising business is not the unrealistic deadlines, the late hours, or the uneven pay. It’s having to deal with all the know-it-alls. They ruin everything. You’ve heard the old proverb: “The wise man remains silent while others consider him a fool. The fool opens his mouth and removes all…

Small is the new huge

S mall is good. The Big Gulp has lost its charm. People see through offers like Double-Size, Jumbo, and Maxi. Overindulgence has reached the tipping point. Being big for the sake of being big isn’t fooling any one today. And it’s especially not fooling savvy marketers. That’s why they are regularly turning to small agencies…

The zealots

T here are some radical people out there, just itching to get their hands on your brand. They have big plans. And chances are, they have no intention of asking for your permission. These radicals are a small minority, but they should be not be ignored. If you focus all of your marketing effort on…

The most important thing

O ur conviction can be our own worse enemy. We understand a situation with certain clarity. We arrive at our opinion honestly, applying insight, expertise, and diligence to our conclusions. We have convinced ourselves. Now we are trying to convince others. Tread cautiously here. I was invited to a gathering of DDB Worldwide’s executive creative…

Kickstart your engagement strategy

A n engagement strategy is an idea-driven solution inspired by the critical information you have assembled. It takes everything you know about your customer, their interests, and their media consumption habits and brings focus to those insights. Ideas for driving your engagement strategy are as numerous and diverse as the problems they solve. To…

The Zoomers Revelation

Every generation shapes our culture in their image. The shape it takes will have a dramatic impact on marketing. According to Investopedia, Boomers, with their appetite for consumption and comfort, were the result of people wanting to start the families that they put off during World War II and the Great Depression, and a sense…

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