mall is good. The Big Gulp has lost its charm. People see through offers like Double-Size, Jumbo, and Maxi. Overindulgence has reached the tipping point.
Being big for the sake of being big isn’t fooling any one today. And it’s especially not fooling savvy marketers. That’s why they are regularly turning to small agencies like Positive Brand to help them accomplish big things. After all the oversized marketing promises, they’ve learned something important—being big isn’t the same thing as being smart.
You don’t have to be big to think big or to do big things.
There’s a charming photo montage of six garages that’s common to see on LinkedIn and Facebook. Under each garage is the name of a well-known company: Apple, Google, Amazon, Harley, Disney, and Mattel. It points to the fact that each of these businesses started in someone’s garage.
Small is just a state of mind. Consider our big results.

Small happens to be a huge benefit to our clients.
Our small size is intentional. It reduces the layers of communication. Our clients talk directly with the people responsible for getting work done so we move faster, and communication is clearer.
Our small size also reduces unnecessary cost. Our overhead is very low. Our client’s fees go to paying for service — not unnecessary office space, furniture, or equipment. And our commitment to staying small means that we are fiercely dedicated to only a small number of select clients.
Our clients turn to us for big ideas.
We are based in Brooklyn but we serve clients in New York City, Orlando, Denver, Miamisburg, Dallas, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. We don’t start our day thinking about the square footage of our Brooklyn office. But we do start every assignment thinking big, thinking about how we can have an impact on society. How we can upset the status quo. How we can change someone’s life forever. How we can do the unthinkable to accomplish the impossible.
Talk to us today and find out how a Positive Brand mindset can move your business in a positive direction.